Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Week 4, Day 15.

A side effect from radiation is fatigue so I need to know
where I can have naps. This one looks handy.

Just a spilt second after this was taken,a huge double tractor
trailer blew my tripot over, knocking my camera lense first into
the pavement. I picked it up like a wounded animal. It had turned
itself off, the lens was smashed and would not restart.
Oh dear. Had this one for about 5 years, taken thousands of family
and trip pictures and I was not planning on buying another anytime
soon. Now no choice if was to continue this little project but,
no time for research, so off to Walmart for their current
adverstised special, a cheap Sony Cybershot,advertised
at $ 108.00.The roll-out price was down to $ 98.00, but
it doesn't have a time/date stamp on each picture. Also,
changing the software from my previous Cannon to the Sony
is driving me nuts. Having problems finding my pictures
once they are downloaded.